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Do not be conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is good, and acceptable and perfect will of God.   

|Romans 12:2 KJV|


Founder and Organizer, Pastor Rev. G. W. Watson had a dream that became a reality on July 8, 1883 when the Hebron Baptist Church was organized in a brush arbor.  Before this date, there was not a tangible house of worship, so Pastor Rev. Watson and sixteen members secured the Presbyterian Church to begin holding services. Starting out the membership was small, but they continued meeting in order to carry on the work of God and to glorify His name.


Soon, the congregation grew to 113 members and in 1891 construction began on Hebron Baptist Church.  The Caucasian citizens of Clinton, SC contributed immensely toward the construction and support of the church. As a result, a beautiful, white, wooden structure was completed in 1892.  In the vestibule hung a big black iron bell whose chime could be heard on Sunday morning indicating the hours for Sunday School and Morning Worship as well as for mid-week prayer service and funerals. The church was heated by a large coal heater with the baptismal pool located on the outside of the edifice.


The original deacons of Hebron Baptist Church were Samuel Harris, P Gary, Preston Taylor, Pink Williams, Morris Meadow, S. Milam, Harris Davis and R.J. (Bob) Day. The treasurer was B.J. Beasley.


In 1931, the church was remodel under the pastorate of Rev. A.A. Sims. The baptismal pool was then reconstructed to the interior of the church and the choir stand was moved to be positioned directly behind the pulpit.  Deacons during Rev. Sims’ pastorate were J.B.H. Ruth, Stanmore Ruth, W.C Taylor, B.W. Wilson, J.S Speaks, E.D. Taylor, G.J. Jones, and R.J. Blakely.


Rev. Dr. W.D. Coker was elected as pastor of Hebron Baptist Church in June of 1947 and the present sanctuary that we worship in now was erected in 1958 under the Rev. Dr. W.D. Coker leadership. The deacon board consisted of J.B.H. Ruth, Chairman, Nathaniel Copeland, James Kennedy, Theodore Little, Sam Henry, Richard Rice and D.C. Pruitt.


 In 1974, the educational building was erected. This building consisted of 12 classrooms, a pastor’s study, the superintendent office, and choir rooms. The kitchen, dining room, restrooms and baptistery in the sanctuary, new pews, organ carpeting, central heating and air conditioning, church bus, church van and parking lot were all additions that mostly took place under the leadership of Dr. Coker. At the time the deacon board included; Richard Rice, Chairman, Fred Gist, Sam Henry, M.L. Blakely, Robert Meadow, Stonewall Craig, Nathaniel Copeland, William Vance, George Jones and Samuel Jackson. The trustee board included; Blake Goodman, Thomas Davis, Booker T. Calhoun, Samuel Fleming, Eddie Choice, Costell Little, Jr. George Dendy and Ross Evans.


Later the following deacons were added to the board and helped with the design of the education building. They were, Carl Drakeford Sr., William Long Jr., R.P. Little, Burley Cunningham and Timothy Stoddard Sr., Nathaniel Williams, and Costell Little Jr. In later years, Rev. Fred Gist received his license to preach under the pastoral of Rev. Dr. Coker. Also, as an Eagle Scout Project under Deacon Timothy Stoddard Sr., him and his two boys (Timothy & Ashley) added the church library.


In 1989, Rev. Ralph Hawthorne was called to succeed the late Dr. W.D. Coker and preached his first sermon on April 16, 1989.  He was installed as pastor of Hebron Baptist Church on June 25, 1989. 


Costell Little Jr., Tyrone Suber, James Robinson, David Dillard, James Jones, Sam Fleming, John Judon, John W. Moore, Jesse Rice, Nathaniel Copeland, Michael Stoddard, Ronald Swindler, Roger Watson, and Marion Blakely, Jr., were appointed trustees, with Charles Brown and Samuel Pitts added as deacons. William Longs Jr., as Chairman of Deacon Board, Rev. Robert Meadows served as Assistant Pastor and Minster Anita Williams served as Associate Minister.


In May 2010, Minister Anita Williams was elected to serve as the church interim pastor. During that time, weekly Bible Study was established.  She assisted organizing a Pastoral Search Committee, Bi-Laws Committee, Membership Committee, and she was instrumental in establishing the financial statements for the church. Minister Williams became an ordained preacher on August 20, 2010 under the leadership and guidance of ‘The Tumbling Shoals’ with Rev. Kenneth Murray officiated. Two members have been baptized under her leadership. Rev. Williams served for fourteen months.


On September 11, 2011, Rev. Thomas E. Massey, Jr., was elected the pastor of Hebron Baptist Church. His installation service was held on November 6, 2011. Under Rev. Massey’s leadership the church has continued its spiritual growth and development. A new roof and steeple were added, renovation of the upper porch area with addition of a cross, vinyl siding was placed around the church and several new members joined the church and rededicated their lives to Christ. On July 17, 2015, Rev. Dr. Massey Jr., resigned as pastor of Hebron Baptist Church.


 On August 6, 2015, Rev. Anita Williams was elected as interim pastor again. Under her leadership during this time of service, we were able to get new stainless-steel appliances for the kitchen and other improvements were made around the church.


On March 28, 2017, Rev. LeShown D. Goodwin was voted and elected the Pastor of Hebron Baptist Church. He preached his first sermon on May 7, 2017 and was installed as Pastor of Hebron Baptist Church on November 5, 2017.


Pastor Goodwin’s vision statement for Hebron Baptist Church is “Transforming Believers Into A New Generation of Kingdom Builders.” 

There have been many new members to join the church during his leadership. Six have been baptized, one baby dedication and many others have joined by Letter, Christian Experience, Watch Care and Rededicated their lives to Christ. 

Under Pastor Goodwin we are continuing to exalt God’s name in praise and worship for He is worthy. The Deacon Ministry members during Rev. Goodwins’ pastoral ship are William Long Jr. Chairman, Charles Brown, Burley Cunningham, George Jones, Samuel Pitts, and Associate Minister Rev. Anita Williams.


The parking lot was repaved, the back section of the fellowship hall and restrooms were updated with fresh paint and decluttered. 

We have had several successful fundraisers to include the Church Directory 2018, our First Queen of the Nile Pageant, Family and Friends Day, and our First Service in the Park in 2019. 


The Intercessory Prayer Ministry was birthed in person for praise and worship in 2018 on the 1st Saturday of each month.  On October 3, 2020, Saturday morning Intercessory Prayer was continued every Saturday morning by conference call with one hour of prayer, praise, and worship. 
Pastor Goodwin was instrumental in getting the church set up with internet services, a church website, a Facebook page, and a church Logo. 
Weekly Online Sunday School and Bible Study were implemented on November 11th 2020. 

The Church Beautification Committee was established. The Beautification Ministry consists of Lady Janice W. Goodwin, Nettye Calhoun, Wanda Delaine, and Deaconess Vanessa Stoddard. They are to assist the Deacons and current Trustee Ministry with the remodeling and updates to the church. The current members are Trustee Costell Little Jr.-Chairman, Marion Blakely Jr., Nathaniel Copeland, James Jones, and Tyrone Suber, with the remodeling and updates to the church.


In 2020 our world was changed as we knew it by COVID 19. The church was required to close its doors for the month of March and there was no Sunday morning service. 


During this time God’s Holy Spirit led Pastor Goodwin to make some hard decisions on spreading His word, teaching, and reaching the saved as well as the sinner man. With much prayer and fasting God’s Holy Spirit lead Rev. Goodwin to preach his first sermon through Facebook Live from his home. Many parishioners were being reached. 


On June 14, 2020 Pastor Goodwin was led to have parking lot service on the church grounds at 10:00 a.m. 


On July 12, 2020 restorations of our church bell and cornerstone were rededicated to the church and placed back on the church grounds by Chairman, Deacon William Long Jr.


September 2020 tithing and donation was established through Givelify and within 3 years tithes and donations have been over $125,000 through Givelify!


In 2020, during the closure of the church God used what the devil meant for harm and turned it around for His edifice good. All praise and glory go to our mighty God. He allowed the church to be renovated under the leadership of Rev. Goodwin, to the present sanctuary that we worship in now. This consisted of the sanctuary being updated with a new color and covering of pew and chairs, carpet replaced, light fixtures replaced and recessed lights added, sanctuary ceiling tiles replaced, sanctuary painted, replaced all entrance doors, wood panel replaced with drywall (sheetrock) throughout the first level halls, the pastor’s study, and restroom remodeled. The women restroom remodeled to include a Cross Wall.  All first level rooms including restrooms were updated, new roof, steeple cleaned, new windows around the church and fellowship hall. New frames with protected coating over our current color-stained windows in the sanctuary. A new sound system booth was built with two cameras, three monitors and updated speakers throughout the sanctuary. New awnings with the church name and logo were also added. With all the renovations, it would have not been possible without the Holy Spirit guidance, the Deacon Ministry, the Trustee Ministry, the Beautification Ministry and every member’s prayers and dedication to God’s plan. 

January 2021 First Fruit Offering was implemented.

On October 24, 2021 we were blessed to re-enter God’s house with modified services starting at 9:00 a.m. which has continued for our services today. We have continued to offer Facebook Live services to members and friends near and far. 

A home was donated by Mary (Aunt Polly) Taylor and sold in March 2022 for $10,000 to be used toward the building fund.
Under Rev. Goodwin’s leadership the church has continued its spiritual growth and development. Minister Joyce Jabber became an ordained preacher on September 25, 2022 under the leadership and guidance of “The Tumbling Shoals Union #3” with Moderator, Rev. Kenneth Murray Jr. officiating. March 26, 2023 two new Trustees were installed, Johnny Babb and Carl Drakeford Jr. 

July 9, 2023 A Time Capsule burial; to be opened in twenty-five (25) years.  


This year on February 17, 2024 we crowned our second Queen of the Nile winner. 


On March 31st a Digital Sign was installed.


In June the lady’s restroom and sitting room in the Fellowship Hall was updated by The Beautification Ministry. A new air condition unit was also installed in the Fellowship Hall. 

The Family and Friends Day Ministry beautified the church landscape and steps in July 2024. 


​Under Pastor Goodwin we are continuing to praise and worship God for all that He is worth.

Pastor Goodwin’s vision statement for Hebron Baptist Church is:


                                                                       “Transforming Believers Into A New Generation of Kingdom Builders.”

As we celebrate our church’s 140th year anniversary history, we thank God for the past achievements. We ask His continuous guidance and help so that we may dwell together in unity with love and peace which is good and pleasant. We are many members, but we all belong to The Trinity - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


2018 History Credits

Deaconess Helen Drakeford

Trustee Costell Little, Jr.

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